In Louisiana's Caddo Parish, prosecutors strike African-Americans from jury service at three times the rate they strike non-African Americans. A study of more than 300 criminal jury trials held over 10 years reveals that this practice of "blackstriking" contributes to the significant under-representation of African-Americans serving on juries.

About the Data

The data set consists of the empanelment of 332 juries in the First Judicial District (Caddo Parish) between January 28, 2003 and December 5, 2012.

Data Set:
332 juries

  • 2003 - 25 juries
  • 2004 - 27 juries
  • 2005 - 35 juries
  • 2006 - 43 juries
  • 2007 - 41 juries
  • 2008 - 25 juries
  • 2009 - 38 juries
  • 2010 - 30 juries
  • 2011 - 40 juries
  • 2012 - 28 juries

224 12 person juries

106 6 person juries

In 93% of THE trials, the State struck a higher percentage of black jurors than not black jurors.

Of 8,318 qualified jurors tendered to the State:

2908 Black Jurors
5410 Not Black Jurors

46% of black jurors were struck.

15% of non black jurors were struck.

60% 46% 15%

Over the course of 332 trials, state prosecutors struck black jurors from jury service at 3 times the rate they struck jurors who were not black, reducing the percentage of black jurors from 35% to 25%.

This is despite the fact that the Caddo Parish adult population is 44.2% black*.

2908 Qualified Black Jurors
0 Black Jurors Struck
5410 Qualified Not Black Jurors
0 Not Black Jurors Struck

35% black jurors

65% not black jurors

*Population data sourced from United States Census Bureau

What implications did the strike rate have on the juries of Caddo Parish?

In 224 12 person juries, the number of black jurors was significantly lower than expected for an adult population that is 44.2% black.

Average Number of Black Jurors





Percentage of trials with 2 or less black members.

In these juries, a non-black majority of ten
can vote to convict.





Why is the reduced number of black jurors significant?

0% of trials with a non-black majority of ten or more in the jury resulted in acquittal.

2 or less black jurors

3 or more black jurors


5 or more black jurors


Acquittal rate in 12 person juries




Black strikes by prosecutor in the Caddo Parish


Black Juror

Non Black Juror




    41% of black jurors struck

    from 22 trials

    Individual Prosecutor Black Strikes Rating Blacks Struck Not Blacks Struck No. of Trials
    Barber, Brian H 5.0 41% 8% 22
    Brown, Jason 4.5 51% 11% 53
    Kervin, Damon 4.4 53% 12% 31
    Thompson, Dhu 3.2 51% 16% 49
    Hall, Lea 3.2 47% 15% 48
    Cox, Dale 2.7 38% 14% 22
    Prudhomme, Geya 2.7 48% 18% 30
    O'Callaghan, Brady 2.5 47% 19% 47
    Langford, Ben 2.4 40% 17% 26
    Edwards, William J 2.1 43% 21% 25
    Smith, Kodie 2.0 37% 29% 24
    Midboe, Sarah 1.8 37% 20% 24